Changing Nutritional Needs throughout Life

Age affects our nutritional needs. Sometimes the differences are obvious. It is easy to see the difference in the amount and types of food an infant, school-age child, teenager, and adult need. Other differences are more subtle. You may not realize that, as you get older, your calorie needs decrease, especially if you become less active. Being aware of such...

Friday, June 15, 2012

Heart Valve Disorders

The heart has four chambers two small upper chambers (atria) and two larger lower chambers (ventricles). Each chamber is closed by a one-way valve. For various reasons these valves can malfunction, causing leakage (regurgitation) or failure to open properly (stenosis). The mitral valve, which allows blood to flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Preventing High Blood Pressure

Anyone, regardless of age, sex, race, or heredity, can lower his or her risk of developing high blood pressure or lower existing high blood pressure by taking the steps described here. Maintain a healthy weight. As your body weight increases, your blood pressure rises. In fact, being overweight can make you two to six times more likely to develop...

High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, or hypertension, increases your chances of developing heart disease or kidney disease and of having a stroke. About one in every four American adults has high blood pressure but may not be aware of it. It is often called “the silent killer” because it usually causes no symptoms. However, high blood pressure is easy to diagnose,...

Dealing with End-of-Life Decisions

Over the course of a lifetime, men face a variety of inevitable stresses that create emotional responses. Dealing with death and dying presents some of life’s greatest emotional stress. There are two ways in which a man finds himself confronting the issues surrounding death and dying: as someone caring for a dying person, most often a parent, and as...

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