Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yoga is to keep Physical and Mental Wellness

When we talk about Yoga it means that you are talking to connect the soul with God. Yoga is to get Moksha means freedom from all kinds of pain that making the life balanced, which is the one of the most significant goal of Yoga.

Yoga is a practice by which person’s exercised to take control over the physical and mental wellness, to achieve that which is not achieved till now and to be surmise on God, the Parmatma and to reside upon the creation and existence of this world. Yoga give a way to final Salvation and a more temporal kind, temporal in terms of relieving sadness, the kind that surely results from poor health.

The practices of Yoga are very advantageous for the protection of health. It helps to continue both physical and mental health that cannot be performed by either taking form of medications or drinking potions. Yoga helps one conquer mental despair as well as attain balance among body and soul. It augments the ability to work and make the brain to retain power and memory.

Yoga is called Astanga or eight-faceted Yoga. Those eight facets are Yama, Asana, Dhyana, Pranayama, Niyana, Dharana, Pratyahara, and Samadhi.

Yama: Yama stands for Ahimsa, kindness to all living beings, respect and tolerance and impartiality in all feeling, doing and examining.

Satya (Truth): One should forever speak and think truly.

Brahmacharya: In this mind blend with the Parabrahma or the highest level of perception.

Asteya: One who defeats from such act is bathed with valuable stones.

Aparigraha: Although enjoyable, many things we do and are addicted to, such as some of the foods that we eat, are not good for us and must be given up.

Rutu Kala: One must not coddle physically to other than one's legally wedded wife or husband and the same during Rutu Kala, the period that begins on the fourth day after menstruation and ends on the sixteenth.

Niyama: It includes the five concepts of Contentment, Swadhyaya Cleanliness, Penance, and Ishwari Pranidhana.
Santoshadanuttama Sukha Labha; to be truly happy and satisfied is one of the states of mind.

Sareera Soshanam Prahu Stapa Sasta Pa Uttanam
Vidhinoktera Margena Kricchra Chandra Yanadibhi:

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