Thursday, April 26, 2012

Stylish Yoga Mats

Yoga mats are enormously soft cushioned mats because usually as all the traditional "Yoga Asanas" are done or performed on the mat itself coming in contact with the ground surface its importance and usage enhances overtime. Yoga mats are also termed as Balancing Mats.

The balance as well as coordination improves dramatically with better results of exercising perfection as without the availability of the mat an exerciser is incomplete somewhere during the course.

The mats manufacturing companies are moving pillar to post in order to understand the specific needs of the commuters because on the sheer complaints of certain customers they were unable to balance their bodies efficiently over the mat atop and used to balance body asymmetrically for instance: having extra weight at the right portion of the body or right side and weaker tendencies at the left side because every human body differs in weight and shape therefore these specially designed provides greater stability and with less compensation of the customer’s demand.

The Yoga mats not only ensures safety measures but as discussed above provides with enhanced stability in all the “Asana” poses or human body posterior.

Yoga mats also comes along with Pilates mats. Some of the specific names of the mats are: Black diamond Yoga mats, Navy Blue Yoga Mat, Non-slipping Mat; Chinese Wai-Lana Mat; Traveling Yoga Mat, Monster mats for people suffering from obesity etc. The titanic yoga mats sizes in 71” to 72” long by 26.25 “ wide.

For a newcomer of Yoga Exercising the manufacturing companies rather recommends a huge or wider Yoga mats for any such Asana practices. The performance enhancements of such sort of mats have an aesthetic value contributed to provide solace and satisfaction to individual.

Features of Yoga Mats

* Yoga mat is extra thick with ¼ inch size;

* Consists of double-sided traction controlling for double durability of the mat;

* Less repositioning and with added value comes along with 72 inches long feature;

* It consists of excellent dense cushion.

* Newly designed yoga mats gives organic feeling and have pleasing features that doesn’t distracts the concentration of a Yoga exerciser;

* The beautification of large ugly striped coloring and obnoxiously bold flowers embroidery is intricately applied to the mat which is very suggestive to the exerciser. Such Printed Yoga mats looks very stylish.

* Yoga mats are convenient; functional and portable by nature such as: thick natural delicate cotton Yoga floor mat which comes with unbleached cotton shells.

* The Yoga mat should consist of carrying away straps tightly stripped and easy ties for roll-ups of the mats on the ground floor;

* The Yoga mat must be Latex-free as tested upon in an independent laboratory;

* It should be free from various environmental toxicities. No heavy-metals should be used at the time of a production process.

* The Yoga Mat can be tested very easily in order to know whether it is a Genuine piece of mat or not by: a simple Pinching test terminology in it: the mat can be pinched between a thumb and fore-finger in order to test compression resistance of the mat manufactured by a specific manufacturing enterprise.

How to choose a right style of Yoga Mat

Q). Is your yoga mat Light-weight?
Q). Would it be keeping my feet from slipping away on a slippery ground surfaces?
Q). If the body starts perspiring will I loose the grip to exercise efficiently?
Q). Does the Lifespan of the Yoga mat would remain substantially for a fairly long period or not?
Q). Will the Yoga mat would sufficiently hold up the repeated washings of the surfaces of the mat?
Q). Does the dust particles and lint can easily be discarded by a simple shake off of the mat? Etc.

Cost of Yoga Mats

* Yoga mats normally costs around $15 to $30 and can be purchased online or offline. You may be able to get yoga mats with discount while purchasing it online.

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