Changing Nutritional Needs throughout Life

Age affects our nutritional needs. Sometimes the differences are obvious. It is easy to see the difference in the amount and types of food an infant, school-age child, teenager, and adult need. Other differences are more subtle. You may not realize that, as you get older, your calorie needs decrease, especially if you become less active. Being aware of such...

Smoking’s Damaging Effects on Your Body

In addition to the addictive drug nicotine, the other principal harmful substances in cigarettes are tar and carbon monoxide. Tar is a sticky, brown residue that collects in the lungs. Primarily made up of chemicals known as hydrocarbons, tar is a powerful cancer-causing agent that has been linked to the development of lung cancer. Carbon monoxide is...

The Dangers of Anabolic Steroids

Professional and amateur athletes sometimes use supplements or drugs to improve their physical performance. Anabolic steroids are probably the most well-known performance-enhancing drugs, and the most dangerous. These synthetic drugs imitate the effects of the male hormone testosterone. The drugs have approved medical uses, but athletes use them to make their muscles bulkier and stronger.

The Different Types of Exercise

There are different types of exercise, and each type has different effects on your body. Some types of exercise improve flexibility and muscle strength. Others use the large muscles in your body to build heart strength. Still others increase endurance. Exercises fall into three categories—aerobic, strength conditioning, and flexibility. Which type is best...

Hair Color Treatments for a Sensitive Scalp

Wanting to cover those grey strands or simply want to change your hair color for a different look? Think again. Studies about hair color treatments reveal that 5% of frequent hair dye users are bound to have sensitive scalp or develop allergies in the long run. However, those who already have sensitive skin will see and feel negative effects as soon as harsh chemicals in hair color touch their scalp. These effects are redness, burning sensation, dryness and itch, and usually caused by the following ingredients: 1. Harsh Chemicals in Hair Dye A...

Saturday, April 28, 2012


It is only a matter of seconds after that first puff that nicotine starts to have an effect on your central
nervous system, and the rest of your body. Certain areas of the brain, when stimulated by nicotine,
help you think more clearly. Other areas of the brain lie in a pleasure center which when
stimulated, can make you feel more relaxed and less anxious.
Nicotine also affects the hormones produced by the body which creates a chemical dependency to
nicotine and the accompanying craving. Heavy smokers have become dependent on heightened
levels of hormones, stimulated by nicotine, which can have an addictive quality. They need a
cigarette at certain intervals of time. After the stimulation of the hormones starts to fall, they need
another cigarette to bring them back into the comfort zone. If they do not get that cigarette, the
craving begins.

What Are Antioxidants?

Much interest has focused on the potential of antioxidants to fight disease and slow the aging process. But how reliable are these claims? How do antioxidants work? Free radicals are unstable molecules that have an unpaired electron. They cause oxidation (a process whereby oxygen changes, damages, or breaks down cells) in your body, similar to the oxidation that occurs when metal rusts, as they seek stability by taking an electron from a surrounding molecule in a cell for themselves. The attacked molecule then has an unpaired electron, becoming a new free radical. The chain reaction continues indefinitely. Free radicals destroy DNA, and DNA destruction is thought to be one of the processes that triggers aging. Free radicals also can interfere with other processes in cells, causing cell
changes that eventually can lead to cancer. Antioxidants are compounds in foods that inhibit the oxidation caused by free radicals. The vitamins C and E and beta carotene (which converts to vitamin A in your body) and the minerals magnesium, copper, and zinc are antioxidants in foods that have shown promise in slowing down or preventing the chronic health problems, such as heart disease and cancer, that often accompany aging. Antioxidants also may help the body fight infection. Vitamin E is found in nuts, seeds, and oils such as olive, peanut, and canola oil. You can increase your intake of beta carotene by eating more orange and deep yellow vegetables and fruits such as carrots, sweet potatoes, pumpkin, cantaloupe,
apricots, and winter squash. Boost your vitamin C intake by consumingcitrus fruits (oranges, grapefruit, lemons, or limes), berries, bell peppers, potatoes, broccoli, and cabbage. The scientific evidence is strongest for the healthful effects of vitamin E and weakest for vitamin C. Experts stress that it is best to obtain antioxidant vitamins naturally, from your diet, rather than by taking supplements, especially in large amounts, until large-scale, long-term studies prove otherwise. As with vitamin and mineral supplements in general, taking antioxidant supplements cannot make up for the inadequacies of a poor diet. If you already have a health problem such as heart disease, taking antioxidants should never replace the goals of maintaining normal blood pressure, improving your cholesterol profile, or stopping smoking.

Do You Need Vitamin and Mineral Supplements?

Many men take nutritional supplements because they believe that certain vitamins or minerals provide health benefits or help them increase athletic performance or endurance. But if you are otherwise healthy, you probably don’t need to take a supplement as long as you follow the Food Guide Pyramid recommendations for a balanced diet. It’s best to obtain nutrients from a wide variety of foods rather than from a vitamin or mineral supplement because your body may not absorb the vitamins from supplements as effectively as those obtained from food. Also, most people can obtain the suggested recommended dietary allowance (RDA) of vitamins and minerals by consuming a varied diet. For
example, the RDA of vitamin C, which is 60 milligrams, can be obtained by eating five servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Smoking increases the need for vitamin C, however. If you smoke, you should be getting 100 milligrams of vitamin C per day. It’s especially unwise to take in large amounts of vitamins and minerals in excess of the recommended daily allowances over prolonged periods of time. There is no convincing evidence that taking megadoses of a particular vitamin

will make you healthier. In fact, consuming huge amounts of certain vitamins can actually harm your health. For example, doses of vitamin C above 1,000 milligrams per day can cause nausea, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and even kidney stones.
However, certain people do need to take supplements. You may need to take a vitamin and mineral supplement if you:
• regularly skip meals
• are on a very low-calorie or low-carbohydrate diet for long periods
• are an older person who finds it hard to eat as much as you should
• eat a vegan diet (a vegetarian diet that omits dairy products and eggs)
• take medication that interferes with vitamin or mineral absorption
• are lactose intolerant and have been decreasing your calcium intake
If you fall into one of these categories, talk to your doctor about taking a daily multivitamin and mineral supplement. Even if you eat a balanced diet, a daily multivitamin won’t harm you. But remember that taking a vitamin and mineral supplement is no substitute for eating a balanced, high-fiber, low-fat diet containing plenty of grains, vegetables, and fruits.

How to Read Food Labels

Food labels contain many useful facts about the contents of packaged food and can help you select healthy foods when shopping for groceries. Nutrition labeling provides information about ingredients (in descending order of weight), serving size, number of calories, nutrient content, and how a food fits into
your overall diet. The most informative part of any food label is the nutrition facts panel, because it shows not only the number of servings in a package but also the amount and percent of daily values of nutrients such as total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, and carbohydrates. This label also indicates the fiber
and sugar content of the food inside the package. The bottom of the nutrition facts panel lists the percent of daily values for vitamins A and C, and for calcium and iron. This portion of the panel tells you that the food inside the package contains a certain percentage of your recommended daily allowance of these nutrients. This area of the panel also shows the daily recommended values of such nutrients as total fat and cholesterol in a 2,000-calorie-per-day diet. You need to pay special attention to the listed nutrients that pertain to your particular health status and family health history (see page 80). For example, if you have a

family history of heart disease, you will probably be most interested in the percent of daily value of fat listed on the label. When reading food labels, look carefully at the health and nutrient-content claims on the package. For example, some labels claim that a food is “light” or “low-fat.” The US government allows food manufacturers to make such claims only if the food meets the following strict guidelines:

Breakfast Jump-Starts Your Day

What’s the big deal about breakfast? It’s the most important meal of the day, just as your mother probably said. Breakfast literally means breaking the overnight fast. After not eating for 12 hours or more, your blood sugar level is low and your body needs fuel. Don’t deprive your body of its first meal of the day just because you don’t have much time. Instead, keep breakfast simple. Have a bowl of hot or cold cereal, yogurt, fresh fruit, toast, a smoothie (mix equal portions of fresh or frozen fruit, fat-free milk, and low-fat flavored yogurt in a blender; adding a few ice cubes will make your drink thicker), or eat leftovers from the night
before. Take breakfast with you in the car or on the train. Still unconvinced about the benefits of a good breakfast? Consider these facts about breakfast eaters: they control their weight better and consume fewer calories throughout the day. Their blood cholesterol levels are lower, potentially reducing heart disease risk. They also concentrate better and perform better on work tasks. So put out a bagel or a muffin tonight for tomorrow morning and let breakfast help you boost your intake of grains.

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the US Department of Health and Human Services periodically publish Dietary Guidelines for Americans. These guidelines are designed to help people not only get the nutrients they need, but also lead more active lives so they can reduce their risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease and certain forms of cancer. The most current dietary guidelines provide sound, no-nonsense advice to help you build a healthy diet:
• Eat a variety of foods.
• Balance the food you eat with physical activity to maintain or improve your weight.
• Eat plenty of grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
• Limit your intake of fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
• Eat only moderate amounts of sugar.
• Limit the amount of salt (sodium) in your diet.
• If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation. It’s not difficult to incorporate these guidelines into your daily life. Just try these healthy-eating tips:
• Make grains the centerpiece of your meal; let meats be the garnish.
• Select lean meats and low-fat or fat-free dairy foods.
• Increase your fiber intake; eat a variety of whole grains, dry beans, and fiber rich vegetables and fruits such as carrots, peas, pears, and berries.
• Choose dishes that contain servings from more than one food group, such as

• Maintain your weight in a healthy range. The guidelines no longer allow for gaining weight as you get older.
• Become more active: walk instead of drive, use the stairs, swim, bike, or do yard work. Better yet, start a regular exercise program.
• Have fresh fruit or yogurt for dessert. Sugar contains lots of calories but few nutrients.
• Snack on reduced-fat and low-salt multigrain crackers, cut-up fresh vegetables and fruits, rice cakes, raisins, low-salt pretzels, uncluttered popcorn, low fat cheeses, and low-fat whole-grain breakfast cereal.
• Drink no more than two alcoholic beverages per day, if you drink at all.


Good nutrition can help you achieve good health without having to sacrifice great-tasting food. Eating healthfully can help you work more productively, perform better athletically, maintain or reduce your weight, and dramatically lower your risk for heart disease and certain forms of cancer. A healthy diet is one that is well balanced, low in fat, high in fiber, and rich in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. To consume a healthy diet, you need to choose foods that provide all the nutrients your body needs without an excess of fat, sugar, or calories. No matter what your lifestyle, the Food Guide Pyramid is your best guide to making healthy food choices. Developed by the US Department of Agriculture, the Food Guide Pyramid is meant to be a general outline for healthy eating, not rigid dietary prescription. It helps you choose the most nutritious foods in the correct proportions. The Food Guide Pyramid arranges all foods into five food groups—grains; vegetables and fruits; dairy; meat, poultry, and other protein foods; and fats, oils, and sweets. The grains group is at the base of the pyramid because it is the foundation of good nutrition. The Food Guide Pyramid conveys three concepts about healthful eating: balance, variety, and moderation. To eat a balanced diet, consume more foods from the groups at the bottom of the pyramid and fewer from those near the top.
Achieve variety in your diet by sampling an assortment of foods from the different pyramid groups and a variety of foods within each food group. Practice moderation by eating neither too much nor too little of any food. The Food Guide Pyramid contains four levels that symbolize the importance of certain foods in your overall diet. At the bottom lies the bread, cereal, rice, and pasta group—all foods made from grains. This group is the largest of the food groups in the pyramid because grain-based foods should make up the
largest proportion of the food in your diet. You should consume six to 11 servings of bread, cereal, rice, and pasta each day. A serving is one slice of bread, 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal, or half a cup of cooked cereal, rice, or pasta. Grain foods contain complex carbohydrates, which are an excellent source of
energy, and many grain products are enriched with B vitamins and iron. Most grain foods are also low in fat and cholesterol. Whole-grain foods, such as brown rice, whole wheat or multigrain breads, and bran cereal, also supply fiber, which has been shown to help lower blood cholesterol and which may reduce your risk for certain forms of cancer, such as colon cancer. Try to obtain at least half of your daily grain servings (at least three servings) from whole-grain foods. The second level (from the bottom) of the pyramid contains the vegetable and fruit groups. The Food Guide Pyramid recommends that you eat three to five servings of vegetables and two to four servings of fruits each day—more vegetables than fruits because vegetables contain a wider variety of vitamins and minerals than do fruits. A serving is a cup of raw, leafy vegetables; half a cup of other vegetables, either cooked or chopped raw; one medium apple, orange, or banana; half a cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit; or 3⁄4 cup of vegetable or fruit juice. The nutrients in vegetables and fruits vary considerably, so it is important to include a wide variety of these foods in your diet. However, many vegetables and fruits are rich in the antioxidant vitamins, E, C, and beta carotene (which converts to vitamin A in your body). Antioxidants (see page 9) may have the potential to lower your risk for heart disease. The milk, yogurt, and cheese group appears on the same level of the Food
Guide Pyramid as the meat, poultry, fish, dry beans, eggs, and nuts group. Two to three daily servings of both dairy products and protein foods are suggested for good health. Dairy foods are an important source of calcium but can be high in fat, especially saturated fat, so you need to choose low-fat or fat-free varieties of
milk, yogurt, and cheese. You may be surprised that dried beans and nuts are grouped together with meat and poultry, but all these foods supply protein and the same kinds of nutrients, such as iron, zinc, and the B
vitamins. A serving is 1 cup of milk or yogurt; 11⁄2 to 2 ounces of cheese; or 2 to 3 ounces of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish. (Half a cup of cooked dry beans, one egg, or 2 tablespoons of peanut butter count as 1 ounce of lean meat.) It is important for middle-aged or older men to become accustomed to the idea of eating a small portion (2 to 3 ounces) of meat or poultry. At the top of the pyramid sits the smallest food group, made up of fats, oils, and sweets. It is best to consume foods high in fat and sugar only sparingly.
High-fat foods contribute to the development of heart disease, and sugar contains many nutritionally empty calories. Overindulgence in foods from this group may lead to excess weight gain. The bottom line is that a healthy diet can keep you healthy. But don’t worry if you eat a high-fat cheeseburger or a sugary dessert once in a while. The important thing is to balance your diet over weeks or months so your overall diet is
healthy. To make sure you are consuming a wide variety of foods, be adventurous. Try bok choy or bulgur if you’ve never had it before. Experiment with exotic herbs and spices to enliven the flavor of foods, both new and familiar. And be sure to balance what you eat with physical activity to maintain your proper
body weight.

Friday, April 27, 2012

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Men's Fitness Build Muscle! Burn Fat! Workout Review

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FGF Ultimate Upper Body Workout (full)

Core Rhythms Full Workout

Zumba Class with Gigi! Zumba Class (no cool down!)

2 - Zumba Basics.AVI

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5 Min Tone Abs Workout 2, Fitness Training w/ Tammy

5 Minute Tone Body, Abs Workout, Fitness Training w/ Tammy

What is a well balanced diet and How Do I Get One ?

Following the food pyramid is a good place to start and maybe it’s
a good place to end for some people. If you take all the food
somebody eats at the end of the week and then add them all up
and how much variety there was, you will find that there really
wasn’t that much variety.
People generally have a dozen foods they like to eat and they will
end up eating the same foods day after day for most of their life
and that is where you run into problems. You get stuck in a rut
and fail to incorporate a vast variety into your diet and fail to get
the nutritional balance that you should be getting.
If you know nothing about food but incorporate a lot of variety of
fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals, dairy, protein sources, small
amount of “good” fats, and legumes and nuts into your diet the
chances of your missing out on the right nutrients essential for
good health are lowered.
When it comes to fresh fruit and vegetables, some people like to
use a diet out there called the Rainbow diet. It’s based on all the
different colors of fruits and vegetables. So I will take purple
grapes and onions and garlic and sprinkle some lettuce and if we
have fresh strawberries I will add those to cantaloupe and really
your imagination is your only limitation. Just basically add all
your favorite fruits and vegetables and season it to taste. Mix it
all up and you have an incorporation of all of that variety. You
get all of the vitamins and the nutrients and the minerals that
you need in just one meal instead of just ingesting one kind of
My point is the more variety you can get in your diet the greater
the possibility that if you are lacking in something that you are
going to get it. I am an advocate of getting variety in your diet. It
all comes down to looking at your budget and having some
knowledge of getting what you need and looking at the food
With just a little bit of knowledge of how to read food labels and
what you need you can make the right choices with the money
that you have to work with.
Even the restaurants and the fast food chains are starting to offer
more nutritious choices, likes salads. Subway is one that has
really jumped on the bandwagon. You know the one with Jared
standing there saying this deep fat fried sandwich contains 45
plus grams of fat and compare it to the subway sandwich.
I saw an interview where they were talking with the producer of
Sesame Street and they were talking about the Cookie Monster
and how it was presented inadvertently to get kids to eat more
junk food and more cookies. Now they have repositioned that
whole program to where they are starting to teach kids more
about nutrition. I am hoping that one of the things that is
happening is that there is increased awareness about nutrition
and the obesity epidemic. Some people are just succumbing to
obesity and the things that come with it like cancer and heart
disease and diabetes. It’s good to see some positive changes
taking place.

What about alcohol? First they say that one drink is okay or two drinks are okay and now they say it’s just red wine.

Red wine may be preferred because of the antioxidants that you
get and the other chemicals that come along with the wine.
Obviously there is something in the red wine as opposed to the
white that makes it more beneficial.
Alcohol is the second highest source of calories, behind fat. The
higher the level of alcohol in the beverage the higher the caloric
intake is. One gram of alcohol supplies 29 kcal’s. It isn’t as high
as fat but not as low as protein and carbohydrates.
There are other aspects of that to think about, if you are trying to
lose weight you need to question whether you need the extra
calories. There are many other beverages that would provide
many more nutrients. If you are trying to lose weight you need to
question whether or not you need those extra calories from
something that basically has no nutritional value. I would tend to
be more negative about consuming alcohol because, besides the
dangers of alcoholism, there is the obvious danger of drinking too
much and consuming way too many calories.
So I am not an advocate of drinking alcohol because it has no
nutritional value or health value, particularly because any
nutritional benefit that you can get from alcohol, can also be
found elsewhere in our food.

Then what should we be counting? Should we be counting calories, carbohydrates or fat?

If you look at carbohydrates and fat, it is the same scenario.
Each gram of carbohydrates contains 16 kcal of energy, while fat
contains 37 kcal of energy. This is why watching how much fat
you’re eating is so important. It is almost twice that of protein
and carbohydrates.
Much of the research on low carb diets such as the Atkins diet
found that people lost more weight initially and that the diet was
more effective than the other diets. Research has also found
that people who are on high protein diets also experience higher
satiety levels, that is, they are not as hungry. One of the main
reasons that low carb diets induce weight loss is because of the
simple fact that they are just consuming less calories, but more
protein and fat than carbohydrates.
What it seems to boil down to is that some low carb diets restrict
your intake to mainly fat and protein, by eliminating
carbohydrates from the diet. This has the effect of taking away
so many of the food choices that are available, as well as vital
nutrients that your body needs.
You know, even lovers of protein and fat, find that the variety
and choices are taken away and what you are actually doing is
actually limiting your caloric intake. So it works initially and that
is one of the reasons why people are so attracted to it.
The fact is however that 95% of diets fail and what it really
comes down to is if you want to lose weight, lifestyle change is
the only way. A diet is only temporary, you go on it and you lose
But what are you going to do eventually? You are going to go
off it.
In my definition, that is not a lifestyle change that is a temporary
fix. That is human nature. You go on the diet and eventually you
are going to go off it and revert back to your old eating habits
and gain the weight back.
It all comes down to understanding a little bit more about the
foods that you are eating and a choice to make a lifestyle change.
Also almost all of these diet plans introduce a new way of eating,
a way that is abnormal to the way that you are used to eating
and we are creatures of habit and we like the foods that we are
used to.
Because we are creatures of habit we don’t adapt very well to
changes like that. We can go on it for a while and because it is
so abnormal it just doesn’t fit. It all comes down to the fact that
you have to make a decision that you are going to change the
way you eat.
One of the things that I have noticed is that if you do something
as simple as go out and walk 15 minutes a day, it will be easier
for you not to be tempted by unhealthy food. The healthier your
lifestyle choices, the easier it will be to stick to your healthy food
It’s almost like the unhealthy choices don’t fit anymore. They are
incompatible with the healthy choices. You know, I have quoted
that adage that the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Well
it’s almost the same applied to health and nutrition.
As I kick around health and nutrition with people that are into it
like I am, I find that if you do exercise and have more muscle
mass you burn more calories when you are at rest. Lean muscle
mass has a higher metabolic requirement. When you are just
sitting around doing nothing and your body has more lean muscle
mass you are going to burn more calories than if your body
contains fatty tissue.
It’s kind of a cruel injustice but the fitter you get even at rest,
you are burning more calories.

Tell me are there any specific foods that burn fat?

No. Basically, if you want to burn fat or lose or maintain your
weight everything comes down to energy balance.
Researchers are constantly looking for foods that could burn fat.
Some of them concentrate on milk and dairy products that have
been theorized to burn fat through increasing inadequate calcium
intake. Some concentrate on finding a specific diet that will burn
fat like a high protein diet. While there is evidence for and
against – it has never been proven beyond a doubt that there is
any one type of food or type of eating that can burn fat.
When it comes down to it, it is a marketing myth that just got so
large that everyone started to talk about it, and pretty soon,
people started to believe that food could burn fat.
In reality food provides energy and nutrients, but cannot burn

Thursday, April 26, 2012

5 Tips to choose perfect Yoga Clothing for you

1. Before you decide on theyoga clothing, you should figure out what is your clothing need for yoga.
2. Commonly you can wear tee shirts, sweaters, pants, tracksuit etc.
3. Go for the “must have yoga wears”
You should keep a few point in mind while deciding youryoga clothing

1. The dress should be comfortable
2. It should not be tight
3. Clothes should not be loose
4. It should not disturb you while practicing yoga

Fitting – The yoga clothing should have a perfect fit for you. Loose clothes will create problem for you. Again too tight clothes will again make your movement impossible. So, when you select the clothes for yoga exercise, you should select them carefully.

Comfort – The comfort of the yoga clothing is very important. You should wear those clothes which are really comfortable. See the weather. If the weather is hot you will something short and which does not cover your whole body. If the weather is cool, then you may need to cover your whole body with clothes.

Depending on the yoga you are practicing your yoga clothing may vary. When you practice Bikram Yoga, which is a “hot yoga”, then you should wear shorts so as to allow the air pass through.

The condition of the place should be kept in mind while selecting he yoga clothing. If you practice yoga under the sun, then you will need something that let the air pass. If you practice it in an air-conditioned room, then you will need a full covering clothing.

Price- The price is another factor while selecting yoga clothing. Good quality stuff generally comes at a cost. But see what your requirement is. Buying a brand may not be always necessary. See your budget and then decide what you want.

Look- The look should be good, because it offers better outlook an confidence. Good looking clothes boost your confidence while you make different poses of yoga. It keeps your mind happy. It also helps you to feel better and important when you practice yoga. Specially good looking clothes during yoga will attract teenagers and youth.

Where to find Yoga Clothes

You will find them in various yoga stores. Yoga stores are available today in different places of different cities. They will carry all types of yoga wears and clothes. Choose from the collection available there in the store. The price will vary depending on the bran, cloth and he store. Honestly I can't recommend anything (I am not a great believer in buying online clothes) so you have to do a search on yourself. You can check our other article on Yoga Products and Yoga Mats to know more about them

Stylish Yoga Mats

Yoga mats are enormously soft cushioned mats because usually as all the traditional "Yoga Asanas" are done or performed on the mat itself coming in contact with the ground surface its importance and usage enhances overtime. Yoga mats are also termed as Balancing Mats.

The balance as well as coordination improves dramatically with better results of exercising perfection as without the availability of the mat an exerciser is incomplete somewhere during the course.

The mats manufacturing companies are moving pillar to post in order to understand the specific needs of the commuters because on the sheer complaints of certain customers they were unable to balance their bodies efficiently over the mat atop and used to balance body asymmetrically for instance: having extra weight at the right portion of the body or right side and weaker tendencies at the left side because every human body differs in weight and shape therefore these specially designed provides greater stability and with less compensation of the customer’s demand.

The Yoga mats not only ensures safety measures but as discussed above provides with enhanced stability in all the “Asana” poses or human body posterior.

Yoga mats also comes along with Pilates mats. Some of the specific names of the mats are: Black diamond Yoga mats, Navy Blue Yoga Mat, Non-slipping Mat; Chinese Wai-Lana Mat; Traveling Yoga Mat, Monster mats for people suffering from obesity etc. The titanic yoga mats sizes in 71” to 72” long by 26.25 “ wide.

For a newcomer of Yoga Exercising the manufacturing companies rather recommends a huge or wider Yoga mats for any such Asana practices. The performance enhancements of such sort of mats have an aesthetic value contributed to provide solace and satisfaction to individual.

Features of Yoga Mats

* Yoga mat is extra thick with ¼ inch size;

* Consists of double-sided traction controlling for double durability of the mat;

* Less repositioning and with added value comes along with 72 inches long feature;

* It consists of excellent dense cushion.

* Newly designed yoga mats gives organic feeling and have pleasing features that doesn’t distracts the concentration of a Yoga exerciser;

* The beautification of large ugly striped coloring and obnoxiously bold flowers embroidery is intricately applied to the mat which is very suggestive to the exerciser. Such Printed Yoga mats looks very stylish.

* Yoga mats are convenient; functional and portable by nature such as: thick natural delicate cotton Yoga floor mat which comes with unbleached cotton shells.

* The Yoga mat should consist of carrying away straps tightly stripped and easy ties for roll-ups of the mats on the ground floor;

* The Yoga mat must be Latex-free as tested upon in an independent laboratory;

* It should be free from various environmental toxicities. No heavy-metals should be used at the time of a production process.

* The Yoga Mat can be tested very easily in order to know whether it is a Genuine piece of mat or not by: a simple Pinching test terminology in it: the mat can be pinched between a thumb and fore-finger in order to test compression resistance of the mat manufactured by a specific manufacturing enterprise.

How to choose a right style of Yoga Mat

Q). Is your yoga mat Light-weight?
Q). Would it be keeping my feet from slipping away on a slippery ground surfaces?
Q). If the body starts perspiring will I loose the grip to exercise efficiently?
Q). Does the Lifespan of the Yoga mat would remain substantially for a fairly long period or not?
Q). Will the Yoga mat would sufficiently hold up the repeated washings of the surfaces of the mat?
Q). Does the dust particles and lint can easily be discarded by a simple shake off of the mat? Etc.

Cost of Yoga Mats

* Yoga mats normally costs around $15 to $30 and can be purchased online or offline. You may be able to get yoga mats with discount while purchasing it online.

Yoga Products

Yoga productsare very peaceful and greets one who wants to use the products in the first instance as there are varieties to choose from and every product is made to specifically cater to the need of an individual where the demand of that product increases or enhances overtime.

The yoga lovers all around the globe are extremely fascinated by various designs and patterns with intricate colors available. A high-quality Yoga accessories are maintained by manufacturing companies that help creates a peaceful and subtle feeling with benefits or advantages to yoga lover whether the product specifies its importance for a residential commuter or could be used as for office purposes.

The specific demands of commuters towards manufacturing companies are that each product used as a yoga product should be long lasting. After all there isn’t any compromise for comfort and complete relaxation.

The growing cosmopolitan communities are specifically attuned in mind body and soul (spirit). The practicing of Yoga Asanas are blessings to some and some take it in a form of a God’s Natural Gift to humankind. Certain accessories of Yoga could turn out to be a providing script for budding teachers in certain parts of our world.

For ex: A Yoga Game which is meant to be played upon by any individual whether a teenager or an adolesence. It consists of 108 activity cards; a ‘Chakra Scroll which is rolled inside its own canister’ and 6 glass Jewels which makes it unique and decent enough to be played upon in a group etc.

Usually those specific game cards implies instructions for various types of asanas yoga philosophies and funny other surprises. Even certain profit of the earnings is submitted towards Foundations in a form of donations providing vision health in certain selected developing nations or countries.

A top quality wholesaler and retailer products of meditation and Yoga products includes larger selection of mats; foam blocks; video accessories; Kits; meditation cushions; benches; Bolsters; etc. In certain circumstances the blankets are made up or produced out of recycled new textile garments and cuttings of the bedding.

List of Yoga Products

* Key Clips,Yoga mats and Yoga clothing and Bolsters;

* Tapas PVC Mats (heavy-metal-free);

* Stretching Straps; Interior Pockets;

* Detachable storage pouches (personal necessities);

* Neti pot; Yoga relaxation tools; Equipments made up of Enema;

* Meditation books & CDs; Bio-tongue cleaner;

* Soaps and Tooth-pastes; Mala Beads (Necklaces)

* Yoga Ayurvedic products include: Skin Fungus and Heat rash Curing ointments;

* Organic Green tea; Jaggery (gooud); Stomach gas preventions;

* Neem powder;

* Anti-slip cinch buckle; soft-scratch proof exterior & interior; 1.5” width with 100% cotton fabric and beveled edges for extra comfort.

Yoga Accessories

The accessories used upon for other forms of co-curicular activities requires lot of attention towards the acquiring up of various simultaneous products from the domestic market nd a particular commuter deviated from its path which makes him/her completely confused but as far as selected Yoga accessories are concerned they require certain handful of items that can be purchased very easily as Yoga Asana demands less or very tiny space for relaxation of complete body and soul as no walking; running; jumping; etc are needed but an

Yoga exerciser is rather confined to that specific sheet he/she utilizes to perform those asanas over the mat and with other concerned stretchable products thereupon. The bending of easy Yoga accessories postures makes an exerciser to be susceptible to get attracted towards the accessories always so that the body could achieve far more relaxing stage what it could have achieved out of normal context of the accessories available for doing day-to-day normal exercising.

As the core initial of Yoga exercising is tough so are its requirement and every product before been launched in to the domestic market are thoroughly checked and tested by the manufacturing units as the customer might reject their proposal due to unhygienic conditions implied or there isn’t much elasticity or flexibilty to utilize the product at home or outside the home by the customer.

As Yoga demands absolute concentration with pin-drop silence assessment capbility of an exerciser performing simultaneous activities over the mat atop, the distraction out of wearing loose clothes or woolen clothes to produce itchiness feeling discards the utilitarian review of an exerciser to acquire such form of accessories from the market. The manufacturing companies all around the globe are paying extra attention over the unintentional exposures of an exerciser at the time of performing Yoga at a particular place.

The specific Yoga Accessories prevents an exerciser form falling from the place he/she is standing at as the products provides extra cushioning towards the surface of the product in order not to let the person to come in contact with the ground surfacing.

The Yoga accessories are even especially designed not to let an exerciser to sweat more and helps in absorbing the excessive extra perspiration process of the metabolic system of a human body and not to allow any unwanted and unexpected slipping from the surface of the mat.

Types of Yoga Accessories and Apparels

* Yoga mats and Props

* Yoga Training Materials; Books

* Yoga DVDs and Cassettes; Carry All-bags

* Eye-Pillow; Neti-Pot; Yoga Foam Blocks

* Yoga especially designed foam sandals wth extra cushioning power;
* Lifestyle-Inspired Yoga products such as: Jewellery made up of beads etc.

* Yoga learning tools such as: CD-ROMS; Yoga food and Living-Enlightment Health Books; Enama Equipments; Tongue cleaner; Natural Perfumed fragmented herbal Soaps etc.

5 Healthy Tips to Weight Loss

The world is fascinated with weight loss, some for health reasons and others for cosmetic. No matter the reason, many people try harsh diets that never work, extreme exercise regimens that result in injuries or other weight loss program that end without success. The reason that none of these weight loss methods seem to work is because in order to stay with a program, you have to enjoy it. Not only that, but it has to be safe as well. Visit now –

Below are 5 genuine tips to weight loss, which almost anyone can do without tossing out their favorite food or spending every spare minute in the gym. Realistically, any weight loss program will take time. If anyone promises you different, they are either not being completely honest or are simply uninformed. Follow one single weight loss program for 30 days, whatever it may be, and see if you have results. If not, move on to something else. In the meantime, check out several tips to getting started today.

Tip # 1
Walking. If you can set aside 30 minutes every day to enjoy a leisurely stroll, you will be strengthening your legs and your heart while burning some calories in the process.

Tip # 2
Use a mini cycle. These portable little exercise units offer the look of bicycle pedals set up on a metal bar, but without the high price or weight of a standard exercise bike. With a min cycle, you can pedal at your desk, on the couch or anywhere else that you can comfortably set and reach the pedals.

Tip # 3
Walk or take the stairs instead of an elevator. This is a terrific weight loss exercise without even noticing the extra effort. Something as simple as a few extra steps every day can go a long way where weight loss is concerned. The next time you go to the store, park in the middle of the parking lot and walk to the store. Avoid parking in the closest spot to the door, which is tempting, but opt to walk instead.

Tip # 4
You don’t necessarily have to cut out all of your favorite foods, but you should eat them in moderation. There is no single food that will completely hinder your weight loss attempt but, if consumed excessively, it may. For instance, simply limit your intake to one candy bar or, if you are being really careful, a miniature candy. There is no reason to cut out your favorite food when a conservative amount of the things we love can still have a place in our lives, including during the times that we are focusing on weight loss.

Tip # 5
Whatever your exercise routine, set aside a certain time each day to do it. Individuals who set a routine are much more likely to stay with it and find success than those who simply exercise whenever they have time. The goal to successful weight loss is to make time.

This article is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is not to be used in place of, or in conjunction with, professional medical advice or a doctor’s recommendation. Prior to beginning any weight loss program, individuals must consult a physician for proper diagnosis and/or treatment.

Yoga is to keep Physical and Mental Wellness

When we talk about Yoga it means that you are talking to connect the soul with God. Yoga is to get Moksha means freedom from all kinds of pain that making the life balanced, which is the one of the most significant goal of Yoga.

Yoga is a practice by which person’s exercised to take control over the physical and mental wellness, to achieve that which is not achieved till now and to be surmise on God, the Parmatma and to reside upon the creation and existence of this world. Yoga give a way to final Salvation and a more temporal kind, temporal in terms of relieving sadness, the kind that surely results from poor health.

The practices of Yoga are very advantageous for the protection of health. It helps to continue both physical and mental health that cannot be performed by either taking form of medications or drinking potions. Yoga helps one conquer mental despair as well as attain balance among body and soul. It augments the ability to work and make the brain to retain power and memory.

Yoga is called Astanga or eight-faceted Yoga. Those eight facets are Yama, Asana, Dhyana, Pranayama, Niyana, Dharana, Pratyahara, and Samadhi.

Yama: Yama stands for Ahimsa, kindness to all living beings, respect and tolerance and impartiality in all feeling, doing and examining.

Satya (Truth): One should forever speak and think truly.

Brahmacharya: In this mind blend with the Parabrahma or the highest level of perception.

Asteya: One who defeats from such act is bathed with valuable stones.

Aparigraha: Although enjoyable, many things we do and are addicted to, such as some of the foods that we eat, are not good for us and must be given up.

Rutu Kala: One must not coddle physically to other than one's legally wedded wife or husband and the same during Rutu Kala, the period that begins on the fourth day after menstruation and ends on the sixteenth.

Niyama: It includes the five concepts of Contentment, Swadhyaya Cleanliness, Penance, and Ishwari Pranidhana.
Santoshadanuttama Sukha Labha; to be truly happy and satisfied is one of the states of mind.

Sareera Soshanam Prahu Stapa Sasta Pa Uttanam
Vidhinoktera Margena Kricchra Chandra Yanadibhi:

Spiritual Principles behind Yoga

Yoga has risen in popularity over these recent years as a helpful stretching exercise. Perhaps it was triggered by a relatively more sedentary lifestyle compared to a generation ago, as more an more people are sitting in front of computers for at least eight hours a day. Although yoga has been practiced not only recently but in fact for centuries, more people who are not even spiritually connected to the principles that yoga teaches are interested in it as a physical activity.

But real followers of yoga believe that it is not just a way to improve one’s flexibility, but instead, it is a spiritual discipline. The word yoga can be translated to mean “union,” which in many cases can indicate the proper union between a person’s body, mind, and spirit. Spirituality in this case refers to being able to use one’s mind to control one’s body, such as getting rid of all manifestations of anger or other negative emotions.

Below are some of the basic beliefs of practitioners of yoga, with some basic comparison to other belief systems:

1. Spirituality is defined as having satisfaction in a well-developed overall physical well-being, matched with mental acumen and emotional balance, which may eventually bring about material prosperity. This may be an acceptable view to most people, although some religions, such as Christianity, tend to question this perception because they believe that spirituality does not reside in one person alone, and instead relies on a relationship with the Divine Being.

2. They believe that spiritual people do not feel any fanaticism or depression or even manifestations of negative emotions like anger or fear. In contrast, people who believe in a personal God would rather vent out those negative emotions in what they call prayer, or conversation with God, and find that it makes them feel human, certainly, but greatly loved.

3. The exercises help the person feel good and to feel the divine within by emptying one’s mind and relaxing the body. Since yoga is considered fit for any age or fitness level, they believe that it therefore passes the requirement for anything spiritual. Some religions challenge the idea of emptying one’s mind as being the key to true spirituality, as when one’s mind is empty, it actually gives room to evil thoughts instead of good ones, as human beings are naturally inclined to negative things based on their fallen state.

4. Yoga practice is not complete without the right breath work, as the breath is considered the life force, called “Prana.” As such, yoga exercises center around proper breath work in order to “awaken” invisible energy centers in the body so as to facilitate the movement of this breath to all cells, which apparently promotes health and vitality. This may work well with you if you like to believe that there are “energy centers” in your body; conversely, Christians believe that they do not need energy centers as they have the power of God Himself residing inside of them.

5. They believe that a healthy mind can only exist alongside a healthy body. In contrast, Christians and other believers of the Bible believe it to be the other way around, as a healthy mind is believed to result in a healthy body. As a man thinks, so is he, or so the philosopher says. Charles Spurgeon, a well-known preacher, also puts it in a similar light, saying that as a man believes correctly, his physical behavior and well-being will follow.

Perhaps these basic differences are the reason why many people are hesitant to practice yoga, as they believe it goes against what they fundamentally believe. After all, you may try the yoga exercises but unless you also believe what the yogis teach, you will most likely not experience the same level of “peace” that they claim, especially if you believe that there are other ways to achieve that rest and relaxation that you so desire. But in the end, it depends on you individually, if the exercises and its corresponding spiritual beliefs are believable and acceptable to you, or if you choose to find believing in a personal God who loves you as giving you true peace and rest instead of depending on your own efforts.

Yoga for A Healthier Body and Mind

An individual’s physical health is not complete and whole if he or she is suffering from spiritual, emotional, and mental illnesses. A truly heath individual is someone who is physically well, mentally sound, and emotionally stable. Taking care of one’s mental health is as equally important as caring for and maintaining one’s physical health.

Stress, mood swings, anxiety, and depression- these are just some of the most common emotional setbacks that an individual may go through in every waking day. Some people may beat these setbacks through unhealthy habits such as smoking, drinking, playing video games, and even abusing drugs. But there are still most people who go the healthy path with coping strategies such as starting a new physical hobby, enrolling in art or cooking classes, and engaging in healthy exercise regimens such as Yoga.

What is Yoga?

Yoga exercises are not just about learning how to do flexible and complicated body poses though it literally means physical postures or poses. Yoga also has something to do with uniting an individual’s physical body and consciousness with the mind and spirit. Every physical pose that an individual does in yoga, the body, the mind, and the spirit become one.

Structures of Yoga

The 3 important structures in Yoga are exercise, breathing, and meditation. Hatha Yoga involves learning the different yoga postures and techniques such as stretching. Pranayama will allow the individual to practice proper breathing. With every physical pose and breathing exercises, individuals are also taught how to channel their minds or meditate even while doing the exercises and the breathing.

Yoga for Physical and Mental Health

You may already be enrolled in a rigorous exercise program but at the end of each session and in your everyday life, there are moments when you feel so down and alone, stressed and tired, depressed and anxious. Doing Yoga may just be the solution to these emotional and mental battles that you still go through even if you have proper exercise and healthy diets.

  • Develop your body’s strength and flexibility: Every Yoga pose requires coordination and balance. Stretching every inch of your body may result to pain but in the long run, balance and coordination will step in and you may actually forget or learn to deal with the pain, too.
  • Improve the body’s overall functioning: Immunity, metabolism, pain reduction, respiratory relief, and better circulation are some of the few body functions that can be enhanced and obtained with Yoga.
  • Reduce stress levels: With every pose, inhale and exhale, and meditation, you can let go of whatever stress and fatigue you may have gone through during the day. With a lower stress level, you also avoid suffering from physical manifestations of stress such as an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.
  • Learn the art of proper breathing for a clearer mind: You can use your knowledge of breathing exercises for anytime that you feel anxious at school, work, or at home. With controlled breathing, you also utilize your lungs and nasal passages better and as well as soothe your central nervous system.
  • Develop a positive, happier, and relaxed mood: Yoga is a relaxation technique. A person’s sense of well-being and spiritual growth are also developed in Yoga. A relaxed body and mind is the gateway for only happy thoughts and positive outlooks.

Power Yoga for Weight Loss

Yoga - Full 55 min class ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 4

Power Yoga: Ubuntu (75-minute)

45 minute Hip Opening Yoga Class

60 minutes Yin Yoga for the Spine.

Heart Opening 30min Yoga class

Beginner Flow, Yoga

Energizing Sequence, All levels Yoga

Warming up for Yoga

42 min. full class ~ Hatha Yoga Flow 3

Yoga to Focus and Balance

Weight loss Yoga for Beginners

20 Minute Weight Loss & Fatburning Yoga Workout!

Weight Loss Yoga for Beginners

Yoga By Equinox

Yoga facial exercises: How to tone and lift cheeks

Yoga for a Strong Core

Is it true that you can eat more and lose weight by combining different foods?

No. People say that there are certain foods that take more
calories to burn than they provide or that certain food items are
going to cause more calories to be burned. It is a misconception
and I can fully understand why people think the way they do.
People don’t want to put the time and the energy or the money
into losing weight. It is a lot of work. People want to lose weight
and they know that some of the food they eat is unhealthy and
they don’t want to put the time and energy into changing things.
It takes planning and time. Instead of visiting the fast food
restaurant on the corner on the way home you go to the produce
aisle in the grocery store. It might take you a little more time and
cost you a little more money but it’s worth it.
You know the fast food restaurants super size everything. The
artists and executives that design the ads know that our
mentality is that the more food we can get for our buck, the
better we are going to like it. It wasn’t so long ago that you
would go in and order a pop and you would get 8 oz or 12 oz and
now it’s not uncommon to get 24 or 36oz because they super size

What are fats and protein?

A fat is a waxy, oily substance and is essential for good health.
Fat has double the amount of calories and so poses a problem to
individuals who find it difficult to exercise.
If you break down a fat you break it down into something called a
fatty acid and glycerol.
Proteins are made up of chains of amino acids and are necessary
for your body to build enzymes, antibodies and haemoglobin.
When you eat protein, your body breaks the protein down into
amino acids and then tries to re-assemble them into other
configurations to make other needed proteins for use around the
Carbohydrates, fats and protein can all be broken down into
smaller units.
Each one of those macronutrients can be sub-divided. In the case
of proteins, proteins are made up of amino acids. Not all proteins
have the eight essential amino acids that the body needs. If you
are consuming protein and you miss out the essential ones for
long periods of time, you are putting yourself at risk of becoming
malnourished. In some cultures around the world where food
isn’t so plentiful, children can become malnourished and develop
diseases such as Kwashiorkor. The children have the distended
tummies, however the rest of their bodies are fine, this
unfortunately is caused by a protein deficiency.
Scientists can actually measure the quality of nutrients that
people are getting. People will volunteer to be involved in a
clinical feeding trial and they will hook these people up to all
kinds of measuring devices to measure everything from body
temperature to how much moisture they exhale.
They weigh and eliminate brine in their feces and record
everything they can about these patients. They will feed these
people a controlled diet – controlling the amount of protein
consumed. They can measure how much is excreted, how much
weight a person gains and basically they can determine how
much of that protein is utilized by the body.
When they do that they can determine the quality of the protein
and the amino acids that makes up the protein. They can
determine how well the body absorbs protein and assign a
number value to the protein as to how well it is absorbed.
Some proteins are absorbed extremely well, an example would be
egg albumin, which is a protein found in the white of an egg
rather than the yolk. The egg white protein has an extremely
high biological availability and all of the essential amino acids in
the right balance.
Gelatin though has many of the essential amino acids however
does not have an amino acid called tryptophan and because it is
lacking - it isn’t considered a complete form of protein. If it is
combined with other sources of protein it is okay.
The bottom line is if you are looking at carbohydrates, fat or
protein, it is important to look at the composition of them. You
can read the declarations of the food labels. Often snack foods
will contain inefficient protein, or protein that does not contain all
the essential amino acids.
It is important to know that all carbohydrates, fat and proteins
are made up of these building blocks and it is important to know
to have a balance of all of these building blocks for good health.

Diet and Nutrition

So what is a calorie (cal)? What is a
kilocalorie(Kcal) ?

I will keep it pretty simple. A calorie is the amount of heat that is
required to raise one cubic centimeter of water one degree.
A kilocalorie is the amount of heat that is required to raise one
kilogram of water one degree.

How about a carbohydrate, what is a

Carbohydrates are made up of carbon and water. Atoms of
carbon, hydrogen and oxygen form carbohydrate compounds
such as sugar and starch. There are five types of carbohydrate
sugars, glucose, fructose, sucrose, maltose and lactose.
Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy and in
fact your brain needs a constant supply of carbohydrates.
Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose by the body and as
you may know, is absorbed into the blood stream. It can also be
stored in your muscles and liver as glycogen.
You need about 40 – 50 per cent of your diet to be made up of
carbohydrates for good health.

Are much of our lifestyle habits linked to emotions?

Sure. Emotions and stress - all those things get factored into it.
Everybody has times of emotional need.
I know from watching myself. When I get depressed and
overworked, I lose sleep because I’m trying to get work done, or
something has happened that I feel bad about. When I get into
these situations, I definitely end up simply eating more than I
would have normally, partly to try and make myself feel better
and partly because I’m so tired, that my body is craving more
energy (food).
The way to avoid allowing yourself to be controlled by emotional
eating is knowing what to eat, how much to eat, what is healthy
and maintaining enough down time and sleep. These all factor
into just having a healthy lifestyle.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Improve Your Eyesight Naturally

Top 10 Best Foods - Nutrition by Natalie

Top 10 Worst Foods - Nutrition By Natalie

Why do you think overweight children come from families with parents who are also overweight?

In a way it is endorsement to the children that their eating habits
and lifestyle habits are acceptable. Just like any of us what better
role models than your parents. If they snack and eat unhealthily
then the children will as well.
However having said this, there are other considerations to take
into account. For example there is some tentative evidence that
people who are obese are genetically pre-disposed to it. So if
this were the case, these families may have an underlying reason
for their weight problems. This does not necessarily mean that
there is nothing that they can do to lose weight. Families who
may have these genes who eat eat wisely and exercise will be
showing their children how to eat, how much fun it is to exercise,
and can maintain normal weights. So while genes don’t excuse
bad lifestyle choices, it may be a reason why they are more likely
to become overweight.

The Best Way To Change Bad Eating Habits

The best way to change your bad eating habits is to do it very
slowly. If you try to change everything all at once, it will seem
too hard to maintain. Try changing one thing at a time. For
example, perhaps you like a morning cappuccino. Decide to stop
drinking your morning cappuccino and drink bottled water
instead. Don’t change anything else about your eating habits
until you feel totally comfortable about that dietary change.
Then move on to something else, like healthy snacks. Instead of
that chocolate energy bar, pack a piece of fruit and a small tub of
yogurt. Essentially fruit is natures snack food, it’s also cheaper.
Once you’re comfortable with this change, then move onto
something else. You get the picture. When you’ve got your diet
sorted out, then you can move on to getting some exercise into
your lifestyle.
So it doesn’t have to be an abrupt change you just need to
understand more about what you are eating and what the energy
value is and the nutrient value of the foods you are consuming,
and make slow but sure changes to your lifestyle.

How does one go about breaking years and years of bad eating habits? What is the starting point for someone who wants to start eating healthier?

If there were an easy answer to the question we wouldn’t have the problems we have today like obesity. Right now in the US 60% of the population has a weight problem. “Morbidly Obese” is
clinically defined as being 100 pounds or more overweight. In our population, the number of people being morbidly obese is increasing year after year. Changing a person’s perception of food starts at an early age. You can show a person in black and white what foods are good for them and what isn’t and it pretty much comes down to a conscious decision to consume healthy foods or not. It certainly helps to have a mentor or life coach or fitness trainer or just a friend where there is some kind of relationship when it comes to dealing with eating healthily. The fact is that you need support and one of the reasons there are so many weight loss programs is that they do something a little different, they have meetings and people get together and support each other. When you gauge how much weight people lose on weight loss programs like Opt fast or Atkins and whether they keep it off, all of those people probably within a 5 year period have gained all that weight back because they have lost their support group. It speaks volumes to me that if people are going to lose weight and keep it off they need a support group. You should not be on a diet to lose weight, you need to be making a lifestyle change. It means finding new ways of eating and develop new habits even for your everyday activities so that the new way you are eating becomes your new lifestyle.

What is the difference between nutrients and food stuffs?

In the big picture, there is no difference between the two. You
can look at anything that provides nutrients to the body like
carbohydrates, protein, and fats. Food in general is just a carrier
for nutrients. For example, take a loaf of bread – it has starch in
it and protein and non-fat dry milk, the non-fat dry milk also
contains lactose. It will also contain a high amount of minerals.
The non-fat dry milk will contain casein, which is a non-fat milk
protein. When you eat food, you break down the food to get
nutrients for the body.

Is good nutrition based on certain food stuffs?

Nutrition is based on getting all the right balance of nutrients
necessary for good health. A food stuff is a raw material that
can be made into a food. Only eating particular foods or foods
stuffs will not help you be healthier.

The Basics Of Nutrition

What is nutrition?

Nutrition starts with eating food and drinking drink. The body
then breaks down the food and drink into its respective nutrients.
These nutrients then travel around the body to be used wherever
necessary. Carbohydrates are converted into glucose or fuel for
the body, protein is broken down into amino acids and fats are
broken down into fatty acids. For a person to be healthy, a
person must eat enough food to get a good supply of all the key
There is a set of guidelines that the government publishes for 20
or so different vitamins, minerals and nutrients and those values
are based on population studies, where they go out and look at
the health of the general population and consider what people
consume on a regular basis.

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