Friday, June 8, 2012

Buying, Preparing, and Storing Food

When you go to the grocery store, keep a few tips in mind to help you make the healthiest food choices. First, remember the Food Guide Pyramid and buy your groceries accordingly. That means filling your shopping cart with a wide variety of grain foods (such as breads, pasta, rice, and cereals), vegetables, and fruits. Choose whole-grain varieties of breads and pastas more often than those containing refined white flour. Buy only lean meats. Choose low-fat or fat-free dairy products. Limit foods containing high amounts of fats or sugar, such as doughnuts, pastries, chips, and cookies. Second, select mostly fresh foods; processed and prepared foods can contain high amounts of fat, sodium, and added preservatives. Choose the freshest foods possible. Check the expiration date on food packages, especially on perishable foods such as milk and other dairy products, eggs, and frozen vegetables. Put perishable items in your cart last to help prevent them from spoiling by limiting the time they remain out of the refrigerator. Avoid buying food in cans with
bulging tops or dents; they could cause food poisoning. When you get home, put your perishable groceries in the refrigerator or freezer right away so harmful bacteria cannot multiply. Proper food storage can guarantee that your foods will stay fresher longer and will also minimize the chances of contamination with bacteria. The temperature inside your refrigerator should be below 40 degrees Fahrenheit at all times. Avoid opening the refrigerator door unnecessarily, and don’t leave the door open for long periods. Keeping fresh fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator will prolong their shelf life (tomatoes and bananas should be stored outside of the refrigerator, however). Bread will keep longer if you store it in the freezer, but don’t put it in the refrigerator or it will dry out. You should use up milk within 1 week after opening it and keep eggs, stored
in their carton, no longer than 3 weeks. Consume fresh fruit stored in the refrigerator within 3 to 7 days, depending on the fruit. Keep uncooked meat, fish, and poultry in the refrigerator no longer than 2 days. Note that if you defrost meat, fish, or poultry, you cannot refreeze it. Bread, however, can be thawed and
refrozen. Canned foods can be stored for up to 2 years in a cool, dry place. It’s a good idea to keep a stock of food staples, such as canned and frozen vegetables and fruits, rice, and pasta, along with seasonings and condiments, so you can put together a quick meal in a hurry. For example, heating up a can of black beans mixed with a can of diced and seasoned tomatoes and a chopped onion, served over rice, can be an easy and nutritious meal to make after a long day at work. Safe food handling is essential to prevent food contamination and food poisoning. Always wash your hands thoroughly before you start preparing food. It is
very easy to contaminate foods in your kitchen with other foods, such as raw meat, poultry, or eggs, that can have high bacterial counts. In particular, uncooked or under cooked poultry is a leading source of bacterial contamination. Always wash any knives, cutting boards, and counter tops that have come into contact with raw poultry, meat, or eggs using hot, soapy water, and wash your hands again after handling them. Never put cooked food onto a plate that had raw food on it. And be sure to cook all meat, poultry, and eggs thoroughly (to 140 degrees Fahrenheit) to kill any bacteria. Another common cause of food poisoning is food that has been left out at room temperature when it should have been refrigerated, especially in hot weather. It is best to thaw frozen food in the refrigerator or the microwave, not on the counter top. At a picnic or backyard barbecue, make sure that you keep hot foods hot and cold foods cold. And be sure to refrigerate any leftover food promptly. As a general rule, do not keep leftovers for more than 3 days.

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