Sunday, May 27, 2012

The Effects of Alcohol on Your Sexual Performance

Social drinking lowers your inhibitions and may make you feel more ready to
have sex, but too much alcohol can actually impair your sexual function. Alcohol
is neither an aphrodisiac nor a stimulant. It is a central nervous system depressant
that slows down your responses, making it harder to get an erection or to
ejaculate. Drinking alcohol also can impair your judgment,
making you less likely to practice safer sex.
But the sexual problems that can arise after having
a few drinks are mild compared with the effects of
chronic alcoholism on your body. Alcoholism can
obstruct the blood supply to the nerves in the penis,
resulting in erectile dysfunction . The liver damage caused by alcohol can increase the levels of the female hormone estrogen and lower the levels of the male hormone testosterone in your body, leading to breast enlargement, shrunken testicles, and a reduced sperm count. If you have a problem getting or maintaining an erection and you think it may
be related to excessive alcohol consumption, cut back on your drinking for a few weeks to see if your ability to have an erection improves. You need to get help for your drinking problem. Ask your doctor what kind of alcohol-treatment programs are in your community, or call the local chapter of Alcoholics Anonymous.

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